비트코인 선물거래 롱풋기
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비트코인 선물거래 롱풋기 사용방법
바이낸스 거래소의 선물 주문창에 롱풋기에서 얻은 주문가격을 하나하나 복사붙여넣기 한다.
What Is the Long Put Strategy?
In simple terms, a long put strategy allows a trader to buy put options, betting that the underlying asset’s price will decrease. If the price indeed drops, the trader profits by selling the asset at a higher price than the market offers.
Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up a Long Put Order
Step 1: Entering the Base Price
Start by entering the current price of the asset you wish to trade. This can be Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency that Binance supports. The base price serves as the reference point for your long put positions.

Step 2: Defining Initial Quantity
Next, input the initial quantity of the asset you wish to trade. This value can be adjusted based on your risk tolerance.

Step 3: Setting the Step Unit
Define how much the quantity should increase with each step of your trade. The step unit determines how aggressively you want to scale your trades.

Step 4: Choosing the Bandwidth for Short and Long Positions
You can either use the same bandwidth for both long and short positions or specify different bandwidths for each. This setting controls how much you are willing to lose or gain in each trade position.
- Single Bandwidth: Use the same value for both long and short trades.
- Separate Bandwidths: Set different limits for long and short trades.

Step 5: Defining the Number of Steps
Choose how many steps you want your trade to take. Each step represents a trade position that will be taken as the asset price fluctuates.

Step 6: Applying Percentage for Price Adjustments
You can choose to apply a percentage-based increment for each trade position. This setting can make your strategy more dynamic by adjusting trade amounts based on the asset’s price movements.

Step 7: Verifying and Submitting the Form
Before placing the order, ensure that all parameters are correctly set. Any mistakes can lead to unnecessary risks.
Sample Long Put Position Table

비트코인 선물거래 롱풋기 결론
Using a long put strategy can be highly effective when you expect the price of a cryptocurrency to decrease. By carefully adjusting parameters such as base price, step unit, and bandwidth, you can create a tailored trading strategy suited to your needs.
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